

A project always starts with an idea. The idea is the shiny germ cell, from which a potential of possibilities can crystallize, when guided with proper care. The latter happens, when enough inspiration is present in the creator. The idea then takes shape, and if properly executed, it also acquires a soul. Then it can take on a life of its own.

As a versatile director, cameraman, and writer Wiek Lenssen is someone, who always follows his own fascination and becomes animated by it. This has allowed him to successfully turn many ideas into films, books, and screenplays.

Most projects reached a wide audience, far beyond their own national borders, and were awarded with prizes.

Wiek Lenssen worked for and with the following TV channels, clients, distributors, publishers:

Engelse vlag   Duitse vlag


La Cinquieme        La Cinquième, tv 5 France

logo_france4         tv 4 , France

    NRK Norway Logo               NRK-tv  Norway

      Bayerischer Rundfunk                 ARD-telepool/ Bayerischer Rundfunk , Germany

ERT greece tv               ERT Greek Radio Television

RFO                  RFO/ Dom TOM: tv for French overseas Territories

               NPO    (Netherlands National Public Broadcasting Organisation)

             MAX tv Netherlands / NPO

VPRO logo              VPRO tv Netherlands / NPO

NCRV logo                 NCRV tv Netherlands / NPO

SBS                 SBS 6 tv Netherlands

L1tv                 L1 TV   province Limburg, RPO Netherlands


JURA Filmprodukties Amsterdam

Film CV Wandering Wolf

Netherlands cinema distribution for LAVA filmdistribution, Amsterdam

logo-mediafonds Stimuleringsfonds Nederlandse Culturele Mediaproducties

     Unesco            UNESCO

           Oxfam Netherlands and Oxfam Belgium

               Friends of the Earth NL- Milieudefensie

logo solidaridad                      Solidaridad

Survival International                           Survival International

Vastenaktie                     Cordaid Vastenaktie Nederland

NCDO                            NCDO

logo ww    National film academy Bollywood, India

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde Leiden             Royal National  Museum of  Ethnology, Leiden

   Museum of the province of Limburg, Netherlands

petiet uitgeverij Petiet Publishers, Netherlands/ France

logo uitgeverij Aspekt                       Aspekt Publishers, Netherlands

CMO logo                  Centrum voor Mondiaal Onderwijs, Nijmegen

Kosel Verlag                          Kösel Verlag München, Germany

random house logo               Random House Publishing München, Germany

   arkana verlag                       Goldmann Arkana Publishing, München,

floriade 2012                          Floriade 2012 Venlo

Provincie Limburg                Province Limburg, arts and cultural fund

                    European Commission

   Ministery of Foreign Affairs The Netherlands


IDFA       IDFA 2001: Amsterdam, official selection International Competition,                                                                                                                             

Trento Assisi film festival Italy        Italy, Trento/Assisi, 2003, Special Jury Prize (city of Assisi

Nederlands Film Festival      Netherlands Film festival 2002: official selection competition Gouden Kalf

Limburgs film festival   Limburgs Film Festival 2017   special jury prize

Minneapolis film festival                  Minneapolis Saint Paul  International Film Festival USA 2002

Umea film festival                    Sweden Umea international film festival 2002

Ethnofilmfest Berlin            Ethnofilmfest Berlin 1998

Bilan du Film Etnographique       Jean Rouch/ Bilan du Film Ethnographique   Paris 1998

beeld voor beeld  Beeld voor Beeld, Amsterdam 1997 enn 2006,

Ambiente Incontri    Ambiente/Incontri, Sacile, Italië 1996,

Terres en Vues Canada    Terres en Vue Canada 2007



La Cinquième, tv 5 France

tv 4 , France

NRK-tv  Norway

ARD-telepool/ Bayerischer Rundfunk , Germany

 ERT Greek Radio Television

 RFO/ Dom TOM: tv for French overseas Territories

 VPRO tv Netherlands

 NCRV tv Netherlands

 SBS 6 tv Netherlands

 L1 TV   province Limburg, Netherlands

JURA Filmprodukties Amsterdam

Film CV Wandering Wolf

Netherlands cinema distribution for LAVA filmdistribution, Amsterdam


 Stimuleringsfonds Nederlandse Culturele Mediaproducties

 Oxfam Netherlands and Oxfam Belgium

  Friends of the Earth NL- Milieudefensie


Survival International

Cordaid Vastenaktie Nederland


 National film academy Bollywood, India

 Royal Ethnology Museum of Leiden

 Petiet Publishers, Netherlands/ France

  Aspekt Publishers, Netherlands

Centrum voor Mondiaal Onderwijs, Nijmegen

Kösel Verlag München, Germany

Random House Publishing München, Germany

Goldmann Arkana Publishing, München,

Floriade 2012 Venlo

Provincie Limburg

European Commission

Ministerie of Foreign Affairs Netherlands




       IDFA 2001: Amsterdam, official selection competition,                                                                                                                             

        Italy, Trento/Assisi, 2003, Special Jury Prize (city of Assisi


        Netherlands Film festival 2002: official selection competition Gouden Kalf


        Limburgs Film Festival 2017   special jury prize

         Minneapolis Saint Paul  International Film Festival USA 2002

         Sweden Umea international film festival 2002

         Ethnofilmfest Berlin 1998

       Jean Rouch/ Bilan du Film Ethnographique   Paris 1998

       Beeld voor Beeld, Amsterdam 1997 enn 2006,

        Ambiente/Incontri, Sacile, Italië 1996,

        Terres en Vue Canada 2007














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