For Preview Only
This section shows a selection of unfinished projects, due to running out of funds, productional set backs or just bad luck. ‘For Preview Only’ shows the projects in the (rough) stage were they were left off, to show their potential and beauty. Producers/ organisations who are willing to learn more about a certain project are welcomed to seek contact. –

THE KILLER BEAN (reprise version) The Wild West did not end in 1900: nowadays the New Wild West is present at the western frontier of Brasil. A tragical documentary about cowboys and indians fighting on soy bean plantations.

VULTURE HIGHWAY A paralysed ex-parapenter champion learns to walk and to fly again. A dream to fly with vultures and escape world’s gravity.
NORTHERN LIGHTS (working title)

Film research following reindeer herders on the annual reindeer migration. An account for the Dutch Film Fund.